- 90% of the population will experience a headache in their lifetime.
- 3% of the general population have chronic headache pain.
- 48% of migraine sufferers report 1-4 episodes per month.
- Prevalence of migraine pain decreases after age 50.
- Women are 2-3x more likely to experience migraines in their lifetime
- Migraine pain is reported to reduce health-related quality of life more than osteoarthritis or diabetes.
- The cost of headaches from loss of work time and productivity is far greater than the cost of treatment which is estimated to be greater than $1 billion dollars in the US.
- 90% of people with migraines present with disability from pain.
- 50% of people with migraines are severely disabled or require bed rest.
- Family history of migraines is one of the greatest risk factors.
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