Sleep Apnea and Headaches

Sleep Apnea and Headaches

Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, is a sleep disorder that impacts over 425 million people worldwide. It is characterized by episodes of stopped breathing during sleep, loud snoring, excessive daytime sleepiness, and morning headaches. According to a 2020 study...
The Best Way to Manage Neck Pain

The Best Way to Manage Neck Pain

Dr. Taves’ 5th podcast discusses neck pain, the association it has with migraines, and how best to manage it. Neck pain tends to be more common in men, and especially with veterans who have experienced previous trauma or whiplash. While chiropractors tend to focus on...
Can My Migraine Stem From The Neck?

Can My Migraine Stem From The Neck?

Don’t worry… the 7 magical questions are coming. Some housekeeping first. Lets first define a type of headache known as a cervicogenic headache. This is a headache that stems from the cervical spine. The pain actually arises from the bony structures or...
Neck Pain and Migraines

Neck Pain and Migraines

Did you know that “migraineurs” note neck pain more frequently than nausea? It’s true, a study performed in 2010 by Anne Calhoun et. al. took data from 113 migraineurs who recorded a total of 786 migraine days and they found that neck pain was a more...
Neck Pain Treatment

Neck Pain Treatment

Neck pain is a common problem in our society. It is researched to be more prevalent in higher-income countries and in urban areas within those countries. Part of this may have to do with neck pain and the connection to office work that is more prevalent in a...